30 December 2003

Dad and Mum on the footbridge over Jervois Quay. In the background is Te Papa, the Museum of New Zealand. Behind that, Mount Victoria. Dad and me (Nicholas) on the same footbridge. Towards the lower left you can just see the edge of the lagoon. The boatshed and Rowing club from the same footbridge. In the foreground is the lagoon, and begind it towards the left is Wellington Harbour. One of the models used in the Lord of the Rings trilogy on display at Te Papa.
Lower detail of the same model. Upper detail of the same model. More lower detail of the same model. At the bottom, java enters the pit. A complete shot of the model from in front of the gate.
Looking down and across the model from a floor above. At the top, a person looks down from where the 'eye' would be. A different perspective from the same floor. The lava flow is more visible here. The same model from the other side. Looking out towards the Queens Wharf Event Centre from Te Papa. Reflections off the window are visible on the right hand side.
Looking out from Te Papa further north. The Beehive building can be seen on the right. The green building at the bottom centre is the Dockside restaurant. On the far right with Gandalf on the side is the New Zealand Post building. Reflections off the window are more obvious this time, showing the houses around Oriental Bay. Another view from Te Papa. The New Zealand Post building is on the left, and the Railway Station is partially obscured towards the right. Further north again, looking out from Te Papa. The Mount Kaukau TV and FM radio transmitter appears at the top. On the far right are the lights of the Westpac Trust Stadium. In the reflection are yachts moored at Chaffers Marina. Looking out from Te Papa, further south this time. Frank Kitts Park is in the foreground. One end of the Boatshed appears on the left. On the right hand side, the reflection shows someone holding a digital camera.
Looking from Te Papa, further south again. Here we see the Rowing Club and the Boatshed from the other side. Behind it is Wellington Library. The Majestic Centre appears on the far left hand side. Looking out from Te Papa, further south. The Majestic Centre appears on the right hand side. To the left of it, the circular building is the Michael Fowler Centre. To the left again is the old Odlin building. Above it near the hilltop are some of the buildings of Victoria University. Looking east from Te Papa across to Oriental Bay. Looking further north from Te Papa to the northern tip of Oriental Bay. The yachts of Chaffers Marina are in the foreground.
A wharenui inside Te Papa. A troll stands outside the Wellington City Council building. The was mounted on the front of the Embassy Theatre for previous Lord of the Rings movies. Another view of the troll. A view up the driveway of my parents' place, Lower Hutt.
Potplants near the room I was staying, Lower Hutt. My parents' back yard. A tower nestles in amongst ferns in my parents' back yard, Lower Hutt. A view across the back yard from the shed across to the bird bath.
More of the back yard. On the left is the back of the garage. Next to it is the vegetable garden. The washing line hangs across towards the back fence. A lemon tree grows on the right. A close up of part of the front garden. More of the front garden at my parents' place. A wooden archway leads to the eastern side of the house.
The eastern side of the house, including antennas for TV1, TV2, TV3, TV4, Prime, and Trackside. Another perspective of the front garden. In the background on the left is the letter box. A wider shot of the front garden looking towards the road. Looking down the driveway from the front entrance.
The front garden looking towards the house.

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