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A look south between the main and loop lines toward Cooma station and the signals beyond. A look south down the edge of Cooma railway platform. A look east to the northern end of the barracks, and the path leading up to the door. 'Cooma' station board at the northern end of the platform, facing west.
A look south down the Cooma platform. A look south from the northern end of Cooma station platform focussing on the  'Gentlemen' and 'Ladies Room' signs. A blackboard shows the timetable for the Cooma-Monaro railway today. Looking further south down the platform at Cooma station. The plants on the platform are clearly looked after.
A look north along the platform back to the 'Ladies Room' and 'Gentlemen' signs. Looking south along the platform, other signs can be found. The Cooma-Monary railway plaque, plus reflection :) A railway dock at the southern end of the platform. Overgrown, but the track is still in place.
A look south of the dock towards a cutting south of Cooma station. A mid-shot of the track leading up to the dock at the southern end of Cooma station. The southern dock at Cooma station, looking north back to the station building. Random shot looking east of the station, up the hill to an SBS transmitter.
A look along the southern end of Cooma platform back to the cutting and signals. Looking slightly west of the dock at the southern end of Cooma station. The eastern side of Cooma platform at the southern end of the station. The southern dock, Cooma station, and rail yard in the distance, looking north.
The western side of Cooma railway station. I came back to the car to change flash cards. The brickwork at the southern end of the station building shows what once may have been the archway of a ticket office. A concrete pad at the southern end of Cooma platform, with sleepers bolted onto it. More structures at the southern end of Cooma station.

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